6th July 2024


Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
6th July 2024


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30 Years Later: Remembering the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi at Kwibuka30 in Cape Town

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Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
30 Years Later: Remembering the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi at Kwibuka30 in Cape Town

In collaboration with the Rwandan Diaspora Community, the Rwanda High Commission in South Africa leads a solemn remembrance of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and calls for continued global solidarity.

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — The Rwanda High Commission in South Africa on Sunday collaborated with the Rwandan Diaspora Community in Cape Town for a solemn commemoration marking 30 years since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The Kwibuka30 event brought together close to 300 Rwandan community members, local dignitaries, and allies, united in remembrance and the collective resolve to uphold peace and prevent future atrocities.

The commemorations were further dignified by the presence of notable leaders, including Alderman Eddie Andrews, the Executive Deputy Mayor of the City of Cape Town; Dirk Kotze, the Executive Mayor of Mossel Bay; and Jaco Londt, the MP of Mossel Bay, all of whom stood in solidarity with the Rwandan community and emphasised the universal message of remembrance and resilience.

“The day began with a ‘Walk to Remember,’ a powerful act of solidarity where 160 participants marched from the Cape Town Civic Centre to the Cape Town International Convention Centre,” the High Commission said in a statement this week.

“This reflective walk symbolised the journey of remembrance and the ongoing commitment to never forget the atrocities of the past.”

In his speech, Emmanuel Hategeka, the High Commissioner of Rwanda to South Africa, emphasised Rwanda’s transformative journey and the global community’s role in genocide prevention.

“Today, as we stand together in remembrance of the more than one million lives lost during one of the darkest chapters in human history, we also celebrate the resilience and unity that define the new Rwanda,” stated Hategeka.

“Let this commemoration serve as a steadfast reminder of what we can overcome when united, and a call to the international community to reinforce its commitment to human dignity and peace.”

For his part, Alderman Andrews highlighted the global significance of the commemoration: “Kwibuka is not just a remembrance; it’s a beacon of hope and a call for global solidarity against hate”.

“By educating and uniting, we ensure the horrors of genocide are never repeated. Let’s stand together for peace and justice.”

Dr Fredrick Ikechukwu Edward Nico, a friend of Rwanda, shared his personal reflections on resilience and recovery: “Despite the dark past, today’s Rwanda is a beacon of hope and progress”.

“The Rwandan people’s determination to rise from despair to hope is a profound lesson in human resilience and unity.”

The event included participants lighting candles as a tribute to the lives lost, testimonials and a moving tribute by the youth. Attendees left with a renewed commitment to peace and understanding, carrying forward the message of remembrance and unity.

Kwibuka, meaning “to remember” in Kinyarwanda, is the official term used to describe the annual commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The commemoration serves as a time to honor the over one million victims who perished, support survivors, and strengthen the resolve to fight genocide ideology.

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Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer


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