3rd July 2024


Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
3rd July 2024


Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer


Forgiveness is key to happiness- By Dr Ted Msipa

Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
What Do You Value? – By Dr Ted Msipa

People Make People
I am grateful to the power of friendship and networking. Today I stand strong and taller because of the many friends I have acquired over my short life. However, my heart is firmly fixed on my two amazing friends from possibly the cleanest country in Africa, Rwanda.

Wisdom Shows the Way
It is 30 years since the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Thanks primarily to the wisdom of President Paul Kagame and a number of notable peace-makers and friends of the Rwandese community. Thirty years is a long shot and this great African country has metamorphosised into an oasis of peace. There is no power as amazing as the human will when it is harnessed positively.

Love is unstoppable
The Rwandan community has exceeded all expectations by coming together as one and allowing their great nation to rise from the ashes of hatred, envy and jealousy into a haven of love peace and joy. They have chosen to realise that an eye for an eye will eventually make the world blind. They woke up to the realisation that yesterday ended last night and today has become a brand new day. They have seen the dust that hatred caused them and dusted themselves off to move past its limiting barriers.

We sin because we are sinners
The easiest thing in life is to be judgmental and vindictive to others. It is much easier to hold a grudge against a person than to let them go. We all have inherent desires to do what is wrong and neglect what is right. In a nutshell we do not sin because we are bad people but we sin because we are sinners. Evil easily shows up as our second nature. This explains the various atrocities of human on fellow human. Our nature is inclined to doing evil hence the need to school it on what is right.

Out of darkness came light
This is why I salute the people of Rwanda for choosing to rise above their pain and put together a workman like shift in nation building. They have allowed themselves to be beacons and trumpets of hope. They have indeed shown us as a continent that out of darkness can come some of the greatest light. Today, they have one of the fastest growing economies. They have built wonderful infrastructure especially roads. My good friend, Bishop Erastede is on record saying this city of Kigali is growing daily and I now get lost a lot because there are too many new roads.

Love Conquers Hatred
I will never forget the beaming eyes of my friend JPS, as he narrates how he forgave the neighbor who murdered some of his family members. His eyes come alive as he passionately shares how God told him to release the neighbor and forgive him in public. His surviving family members initially got mad at him but with time God has healed them too. JPS understands that scripture cannot be broken. My other erstwhile friend Amelia, came to a shocking home coming from Belgium where she was studying. Her entire family had also been annihilated.

More by Dr Ted Msipa

Keep on Moving- by Dr Ted Msipa

She was devastated and shattered upon her return, but again God spoke to her that she needed to forgive in order to get back her peace and joy. She struggled for a while but the love of Jesus overcame her and she finally forgave the perpetrators. Today JPS is happily based abroad as is Amelia. The key of forgiveness has opened global opportunities for them. Their names have been exalted in many global forums. The world now knows that these two champions of forgiveness were here. What will the world remember you for my friend?

Rwanda should inspire You
I look at Rwanda with appreciation and gratitude. They have told the whole world a very beautiful story of forgiveness. If Rwanda could forgive such challenging atrocities, there is hope for you and me. It is time to look back and let bygones be bygones. Let us forgive our spouses, our neighbours, our leaders and our workmates. Remember the forgiver releases power into the future. We have all sinned and fallen short of his glory. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to forgive. Let us represent him well. The world is undergoing too many wars and needs a break through forgiveness and kindness. A little forgiveness will heal our troubled world. May the leader in you rise to conquer?

Forgiveness. Dr Ted Msipa

Dr Ted Msipa is Pastor, Author, Visionary and Public Speaker based in Maseru, Lesotho. He writes here in his personal capacity and view shared here do not necessarily reflect those of Africa News 24. He solves organisational development challenges and leadership challenges. Dr Ted can be reached on Coachted117@gmail.com or on +266 63177309.

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Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer


Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
