4th July 2024


Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
4th July 2024


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Zuma’s MK party disappointed by electoral process

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Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
Zuma's MK party disappointment by electoral process

Nomazulu Moyo

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Former South African President Jacob Zuma, now the leader of the Mkhonto weSizwe (MK) party, has been profoundly disappointed in the recent electoral process. Zuma told the media at the electoral commission’s offices that given the discrepancies in the polls, the commission should have delayed the results.

The MK party, which secured third place in the polls and emerged the top party in KwaZulu Natal, raised serious concerns about the manner in which the Electoral Commission of South Africa conducted the elections.

Key Points:

  • Lack of Communication: According to the MK party, the electoral commission demonstrated a lack of competence by failing to communicate critical changes to the Electoral Act, specifically Section 24. This section restricts voters from casting their ballots only in the districts where they initially registered.
  • Peaceful Approach: Zuma emphasised that peaceful means should be employed to address grievances. “There’s no rush. Nothing is going to happen if we don’t announce the results tomorrow. What are we rushing? We’ve been tolerant for a long time, even when things happen. Even when people commit crimes, they are not arrested. Those who commit no crime are arrested… This is the way, peacefully, to put this country in the right place… Why do you rush (to announce)? We are not children… Let us all work together. We are very keen. We need fairness, freedom, credibility, and transparency (elections). This time around, it is very serious. It is very, very serious. There are numbers that have been manipulated from one direction to another. We know it. That must come out… We are here for peace… Take our complaints and move (the process) forward. If that does not happen, it means we must go to court… We are changing our country, so that political parties come here, peacefully, to make the same point. Almost all of them (parties) are here… doing it in peace, credibly, friendly, and transparently, in harmony. These are serious people who’ve done serious (wrong) things, and we cannot allow them. It must be free, fair, transparent, credible, and nice. The matter is not simple. It’s very serious. It’s about the country of South Africa… In a democracy, you cannot suffocate people because you have an authority… I hope we’ve been heard,” said Zuma.


More from Africa News 24

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The MK party’s stance highlights the need for transparency and accountability in the electoral process. As South Africa grapples with the aftermath of the elections, negotiations and coalition-building will play a crucial role in determining the country’s future leadership. With the ANC’s vote share significantly reduced, forming a coalition government becomes essential, and the choice of the next president will be closely watched.

As the dust settles, South Africans await further developments, hoping for a resolution that upholds democratic principles and addresses the concerns raised by various political parties including PA led by Gayton McKenzie.

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Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer


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